Ag 1, Age 2, SRP Dual Meet VS BAC at FDU

Swim Meets

February 4 12pm - 3:30pm

Ag 1, Age 2, SRP Dual Meet VS BAC at FDU

Ferguson Recreation Center, Madison, NJ 07940, USA


For the meet at FDU, Arrive at noon, warmup is 12:15 with a goal of a 1 PM start.

If you need to swap events, please email Jon by Friday 6 PM (we know some kids made cuts this weekend)

I just set up a signup sheet for jobs. We will need timers, officials and a had timer. (also if anyone wants to learn how to run the meet as far as Colorado Timing or Meet manager, please reach out to Jon directly)

I anticipate the meet being over at about 3:30.

See you this weekend.


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