Training Groups

Training Groups

The Cougar Aquatic Team is a progressive age group program designed to develop children physically, mentally, and emotionally in a systematic fashion. We follow a well-defined, long-term approach through which swimmers gradually increase their degree of commitment. Our early years emphasize the development of technical skills and a love for the sport. In the later years, the training program becomes more physically and psychologically challenging. We believe that “too much, too soon" more often proves the cause of failure to achieve maximum potential in senior swimming than the reverse situation.

To complement this emphasis on long-term rather than short-term results, it is also important that we establish training groups of swimmers who are compatible in abilities, commitment levels and goals. At each level, goals and objectives are specific and directed toward meeting the needs of the individual swimmer. Each child progresses at his or her own rate to reach maximum potential. In accordance, the coaching staff makes training group assignments based on a swimmer's physical, mental, and emotional level of development.

Group Placement

Only CAT coaches decide when and where swimmers will be placed on the team. Swimmers are originally evaluated at a try-out for the team and later by times achieved at meets, practice test sets, social skills, commitment to the team, endurance, and overall physical development. We place our swimmers in the training groups best suited to their training and skill level. When an athlete proves emotionally ready, properly trained, and meets the subjective and objective standards of a particular group of swimmers, our coaching staff works together to move the athlete. 

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